
Thursday, June 9, 2016

Congratulations to the 2016 CashCourse Educator of the Year: Kristin Bhaumik

The CashCourse Financial Educator of the Year award honors an educator going above and beyond to promote financial literacy on their campus. This year’s inaugural award goes to Kristin Bhaumik, the assistant director for special programs at the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor. Bhaumik leads the charge on financial literacy at Michigan. She developed a for-credit financial literacy course called “The Financial Savvy Student.” Her course syllabus uses expert resources from the campus, local community, NEFE and CashCourse. A leader beyond her own campus, she serves as the Michigan Student Financial Aid Association President and on the Executive Board for the Midwest Association of Financial Aid Administrators. The CashCourse team is thrilled to honor Bhaumik’s work as the 2016 CashCourse Financial Educator of the Year. Kristin Bhaumik shared her insights and more about her work in a Q&A with the CashCourse Team, which you can read by clicking here.

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