
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Iowa Update

Submitted by Julie Haack, State Representative
Summer is here and even though the halls are quiet, we are plugging away preparing for fall and what early FAFSA may bring to our campuses! 

There has been a lot going on here in Iowa over the winter and spring.  Our Community Outreach committee organized Governor Terry Branstad’s signing of a proclamation making February Financial Aid Awareness Month.  Fourteen IASFAA members attended the signing ceremony which was held at the Capitol Building in Des Moines.

Jennifer Schroeder, Chair of Professional Development, organized the Director’s Drive-in Workshop, an event held each February.  This year’s event was held in Ames, Iowa on the campus of Iowa State University.  The event brings together Directors from around the state to discuss current events and issues.  

Elections were held in January and those slated to serve under new President Chris Ditter (Drake University) for the 16-17 term are:  Gisella Baker (Hawkeye Community College)– President-Elect; Ean Freels (DMACC)– Vice President; Jennifer Schroeder (Iowa State) – Secretary; Chad Peters (DMACC) – Treasurer Elect; and Tristan Lynn (Iowa College Aid Commission), Delegate at Large.  We thank each and every one that agreed to run for these elected positions and give their time to IASFAA!

Gisella Baker began her role as President-Elect by attending the NASFSAA Leadership conference in Washington D.C. at the end of February. Chris Ditter attended the Michigan state conference January 31-February 3 as part of the MASFAA State Exchange program.

Our spring conference was held in April in Johnston, Iowa and we hosted Thomas Ratliff, our MASFAA President-Elect, and had the benefit of having Megan McClean Coval representing NASFAA, and Zack Goodwin from the DOE as our spring federal trainer.  All three sat on a town hall panel and answered questions from our membership.  Zack Goodwin also held a one-on-one session that was very informative.  

Pre-conference programming was a NASFAA Credential Opportunity on Cost of Attendance.  Another NASFAA credential training was held on May 17th on Direct Loans.  

In June, Chris Ditter will hold her Summer Retreat as incoming President.

Planning for our fall IASFAA conference is underway.  It will be held in Sioux City, Iowa October 26-28.

My two terms of representing Iowa as MASFAA State Rep will come to an end in October as Past President Kristi Fuller takes the reins.  I have enjoyed my time serving IASFAA and MASFAA as part of the Executive Council and will stay involved at the state level as current co-chair of our Program Committee.  

Have a great summer!

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