
Monday, September 25, 2017

It's Raining Feds! (At the MASFAA conference!)

The MASFAA Conference is fewer than TWO WEEKS AWAY! Hold back some of that excitement we know you're feeling until the conference. Although the early bird registration came to a close last week, we hope you will still consider joining us even if you missed the deadline. You can register at the conference mini-site. 

We are fortunate to have two presenters from FSA joining us for our Conference. Want to make the most out of this time with the feds? Read on to learn more about what they'll be presenting! Have a question but are hesitant to ask it in person? Email your question to (subject line: MASFAA Question for the Feds) and your question will be presented to the FSA reps anonymously!

Who: Craig Munier, Assistant Director of Policy Liaison and Implementation, Federal Student Aid
What: Federal Update
When: Wednesday, October 11 from 8:30-9:30am
Why:  Mr. Munier will provide us with all of the need-to-know updates from the US Department of Education and Federal Student Aid. Expect to hear about Year Round Pell, 399 Codes, the 2018-2019 FAFSA, Identity Protection, and other topics on which we're all waiting to receive more information and guidance. You get to hear it straight from the person who is now writing our favorite Electronic Announcements and Dear Colleague Letters.

Who: Craig Munier, Assistant Director of Policy Liaison and Implementation, Federal Student Aid
What: Federal Town Hall
When: Wednesday, October 11 from 9:30-10:00am
Why: Mr. Munier will shift gears from providing information to you to receiving information from you. Have consistent issues and you need the ear of someone at Federal Student Aid? Want to voice a suggestion for policy implementation improvement? Want to share your frustrations? This is the time to do it. 

Who: Zack Goodwin, Training Officer
What: Various FSA Training Sessions
When: Nearly every session time available to you Monday and Tuesday
Why: Take the opportunity to get into the nitty-gritty details of Pell Recalculations, Compliance Concerns, C-Flags, Academic Calendars, Conflicting Information and Verification in hour-long training sessions. Zack provides information and takes the time to consider and answer your questions!

Who: Zack Goodwin, Training Officer
What: Ask-A-Fed
When: Tuesday, October 10th from 5:10-5:45pm
Why: Now's your time to ask the specific questions about regulations you haven't had answered over the past two days of training with Zack. Do you have weird scenarios you're not sure how to handle? Random situations pop up and the handbook isn't quite clear? This general session will provide you with an opportunity to ask what you want to ask - without necessarily having to identify yourself (unless you want to!).

(Note: The Consumer Information Credentialing Session has been moved to Tuesday morning, 8-10am to accommodate our FSA guests.)

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