(by Ben Burton, Indiana Representative)
What an interesting couple of weeks for financial aid professionals in the state of Indiana!
First, we held our Winter ISFAA Conference in Indianapolis. This year we transitioned our winter conference from December to January. Unlike last year, Mother Nature was smiling on us and the weather was cold but there was no snow/sleet/ice or any of those other wonderful winter weather gifts. Big THANK YOU to Kristi Fuller from Iowa who was our MASFAA exchange representative.
Second, President Obama visited Ivy Tech Community College. If you have not listened to the President’s speech I want to encourage you to do so. It is available here. He spent a great deal of time talking about the costs of education and how his free community college initiative would address that issue. I have to say that his responses to some of the student questions were interesting. Although, as financial aid professionals we often have to respond to questions like: Why do books costs so much?” to hear the President of the United States answer that question is a very different equation.
So, your trivia question of the day and NO you do not get to google the answer, no cheating: Prior to the completion of the Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1955, what building had the largest free-spanning dome in the United States and was the largest in the world from 1902 to 1913?
So, your trivia question of the day and NO you do not get to google the answer, no cheating: Prior to the completion of the Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1955, what building had the largest free-spanning dome in the United States and was the largest in the world from 1902 to 1913?
ANSWER: West Baden hotel and casino in French Lick Indiana. What else will be in French Lick Indiana in May? The ISFAA Summer conference! I would like to personally invite all of you to join us at our Summer Conference. Check out our webpage for the all of the information.
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