
Monday, May 2, 2016

Tech Tips to Stay on Top

Do you live in a world where you have enough time to read and listen to everything you need to know? No. No you do not. And neither do I. We do, however, live in a world where the resources to keep up with the onslaught of information are getting better and better.

Today’s post is the first in a series aimed at sharing technological resources that you can use to bring efficiency and adaptability to your life. Each has varying degrees of difficulty to implement, but that’s why we have friends in IT, right?

This Week’s Tip: Zamzar – Online File Conversion

Do you ever listen to webinars from ED? Aren’t they great? Except that the files are in .wmv format, which means you have to sit at a Windows computer and watch the darn thing for two hours.

What if you could convert those time-consuming video files to audio and download them to your iPhone or other portable device so you can listen on the go?

Enter Zamzar.

Download the .wmv file from IFAP to your computer and then simply upload it to the Zamzar website under Step 1 of their website. Choose the file type that works best for you in Step 2. If you aren’t sure what format to use for your device, .mp3 and .wav are likely what you need. Enter your email address in Step 3 and wait for the converted file to arrive. You can download the converted file from your email and then upload to your device through programs like iTunes.

When 150% sub was rolling out, I found the 5 part webinar series really helpful. Sitting and watching the webinar once was about all I had time to do. When I found I could convert the file and put it on my iPhone to listen to during my commute or while on the treadmill (fake example), I listened to those webinars several times over. Being able to engage complex information repeatedly helped me with understanding a lot of the nuances and examples ED laid out.

Note: There is an option to do RSS feeds on the IFAP website if you’re into that kind of thing.

If you have never attended one of ED’s webinars or looked through their archive, take some time today to see what they have. If you see something and think ain’t nobody got time for that, you might find Zamzar to be a useful tool.


  1. Love that you're doing this series, Zach! Excited to see some more tech tips!

  2. Excellent post Zach, well played! I would love to see this series as it continues introduce readers to other time and energy saving applications of tech...I would also welcome an examination of Tech as Enemy relative to demands on our work lives, and how to win the Enemy over to the Light.


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