
Monday, April 11, 2016

Leadership Spotlight: Gayle Yamry, Metropolitan State University

1.     Name, title, school, role in MASFAA
Gayle Yamry, Financial Aid Officer, Metropolitan State University
MAFAA President Elect 2015/2016, representing the Minnesota on the 2016 MASFAA board
2.        How did you get started in financial aid?
Like most I sort of inherited the job. I was working in a growing cosmetology school as the Instructor/Business office manager when there was a need for a Financial Aid Officer so I put on that hat also.
3.        How did you first become involved in your state and regional associations?
I became involved by representing Clock Hour schools as sector representative.  Since then I have participated on many committees, Chaired Professional Development, and supported MAFAA as Treasurer Elect and Treasurer prior to being elected as President Elect.
4.        Why were you interested in a MASFAA leadership role?
MASFAA leadership came with the MAFAA President Elect position. It has given me an opportunity to expand my network of professionals and has been a great experience so far.
5.        What have you learned through your state or regional association that you were not expecting?
Over the years (the last 23) it never ceases to amaze me that there is always a financial aid expert willing to give you their time and opinions when you need them the most.
6.        What advice do you have for someone new to financial aid?
Get involved. Use your network, give of your time and you will be rewarded both as a professional and personally. Never forget why you are a financial aid expert, it’s about helping students meet their goals.
7.        What advice do you have for someone interested in becoming more involved in MASFAA?
Getting involved in MASFAA is about growing the professional network so you can become a better professional. You will get more out of your involvement for professional growth and opportunities than the effort you need to put into volunteering.
8.        What are you looking forward to learning during your leadership term? Or What did you learn during your leadership term?
My hope is to grow and strengthen the organizations I am involved with and to mentor others to become involved in the organization.
9.        What do you enjoy doing when you are outside the aid office?
My personal hobbies include flower gardening and spending time with family and friends. My 3 grandchildren are growing up fast I don’t want to miss a thing. I also am working on finishing my degree in Industrial Phycology training and development for adult development and Human Resources that I started many years ago that go sidelined by life. With work and with life I am an active and continuous learner. 

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